Saturday, 9 October 2010

my pic

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Buck Wheat Pancakes for Bulking Muscle .

The recipe is:
(to make 2 pancakes)

-2 whole eggs (you can remove one or both yolks if you wish, but as im on a mass gain diet i want the extra calories!)

-150ml of semi skimmed milk

-50 grams of buckwheat flour

once beaten and cooked i'll spread a teaspoon of peanut butter in each pancake and add some chopped bannana then roll them up like a crêpe.

also if it helps, nutritionally your aprox. looking at...
(per 2 pancakes)
Calories: 590cal
Protien: 26g
Carbs : 60g
Fat: 20g

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

A Message from Jiri Borkovec thanks Jiri

Hey! I wanna tell yall that Andy is one of the best friends Ive ever met. He
would never cheat me which I very appreciate! This is also why we I
help him with his bodybuilding with a pleasure! Its always nice to see
him in person because he is very hungry to grow which I like! We lift
together from time to time and we both appreciate it. I know he can
make a big things. He definitelly deserves support. As I said I cant
afford to sponsor him with money so I do his training routines from
time to time and I always try to answer him questions. I know he would
very appreciate your financial help. He deserves it. Even he lost his
job many times he never stopped and he kept possitive mind. Andy what I
said here is 100% truth and u know how honest Im. Keep up the good
works buddy


MY Bodyproud 2008- 2010

My Acomplishments

                BNBF Lightweight Class 2ND 2007
      NPA  Lightweight 2008 4TH
 Fame Athlete UK    2009

Monday, 4 October 2010

AB-Fitness-2010: The Sea

AB-Fitness-2010: The Sea: "From my beach shoot ."

The Sea

From my beach shoot .

MY new youtube site comming soon

Heres is the link to my new you tube page comming very soon
clips to follow

Training for Fitness Britain Fitness England

I am training hard for next years Fitness britian Fitness England - Manchester April 2011
Fitness Wales - Newport May 2011
Fitness Scotland - Glasgow June 2011
Fitness Ireland - Belfast July 2011
Fitness Britain (finals) London September 2011

MY fav Swimwear love my speedos

After a fitness contest 2 weeks after doing a swimwear shoot love the red speedos .


AB by Paul deDona photography

Images from my shoot with Mark II Photography part1 (underwear)